
Please read before booking your visit with us

For PHYSIOTHERAPY If you are NEW to our clinic or if it has been more than 1 year since your last visit, please book an Initial Assessment with us over the phone. At the same time as booking your initial visit, please book in 3 follow up visits 1 week apart with the same clinician.

If you are an existing patient coming in for a visit and more than 4 months have passed since your last visit, you can see us for a Returning Patient Re Assessment in the clinic or virtually. Follow-up physiotherapy visits can be booked virtually or in clinic at either of our locations. Re Assessments and Follow Up visits can be booked online, in-person or over the phone.

For physiotherapy appointments only:

0-4 months since last appointment > book a Follow up

4 months - 12 months since last appointment > book a Reassesement

12months + since last appointment > book an Initial Assessment

If you have any questions about your care or how to book in please send us an email at info@womenshealthphysio.ca